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Periódicos e Magazines
40. [doi] M. Lino, C. Montez, E. Leão, R. Lira, A. Fayran, F. Vasques, A Lightweight BPSO Mechanism for Topology Reconfiguration in Data-driven IIoT Plants. Internet of Things, 2024, 101208, ISSN: 1570-8705.
39. [doi] R. Neiheiser, G. Inácio, L. Rech, C. Montez, M. Matos, L. Rodrigues, Practical Limitation of Ethereum’s Layer-2. IEEE Access, 2023, Pages 8651 – 8662, Vol. 11, ISSN 2169-3536.
38. [doi] C. P. Fernandes, C. Montez, D. D. Adriano, Azzedine Boukerche, Michelle S. Wangham A Blockchain-based Reputation System for Trusted VANET Nodes. Ad Hoc Networks, 2023, 103071. Volume 140, ISSN: 1570-8705.
37. [doi] J. Correia, C. Montez, A. Pinto, Lossy Data Compression for IoT Sensors: A Review. Internet of Things, 2022, 100516, ISSN 2542-6605.
36. [doi] G. Pereira, S. Laurindo, G. Budke, C. Montez, R. Moraes, Experimental Assessment of IEEE 802.15.4e LLDN Mode using COTS Wireless Sensor Network Nodes. IEEE Access, 2022, Volume: 10, 12829-12837.
35. [doi] R. Oliveira, C. Montez, A. Boukerche, M. Wangham, Co-design of Consensus-based Approach and Reliable Communication Protocol for Vehicular Platoon Control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, Volume: 70, Issue 9, 9510-9524.
34. [doi] S. Laurindo, R. Moraes, C. Montez, F. Vasques, Combining Network Coding and Retransmission Techniques to Improve the Communication Reliability of Wireless Sensor Network. Information, 2021, 12(5), 184.
33. [doi] G. de Jesus, R. Souza, C. Montez, A. Hoeller Jr., LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate with Flexible Link Margin. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, Volume: 8, Issue 7, April.
32. [doi] D. Adriano, C. Montez, A. G. N. Novaes, M. Wangham, DMRVR: Dynamic Milk-Run Vehicle Routing Solution Using Fog-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Electronics, 9, 2020.
31. [doi] R. Casagrande, R. Moraes, C. Montez, F. Vasques, E. Leão, A New Association Scheme for Handling Node Mobility in Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 2020, 20(19), 5694. ISSN: 1424-8220.
30. [doi] M. Lino, E. Leão, A. Soares, C. Montez, F. Vasques, R. Moraes, Dynamic Reconfiguration of Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks to Handle Communication Overloads in Disaster-Related Situations. Sensors, 2020, 20(17), 4707. ISSN: 1424-8220.
29. [doi] L. Rodrigues, N. Bitencourt, L. Rech, C. Montez, R. Moraes, An Analytical Model to Estimate the State of Charge and Lifetime for Batteries with Energy Harvesting Capabilities, International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, Volume 44, issue 7, 1-16.
28. [doi] H. León, C. Montez, O. Valle, F. Vasques, Real-Time Analysis of Time-Critical Messages in IEC 61850 Electrical Substation Communication Systems, Energies, 2019, 12(12), 2272.
27. [doi] S. Laurindo, R. Moraes, R. Nassife, C. Montez, F. Vasques, ORST: Optimized Relay Selection Technique to Improve the Communication Reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 2018, 18(10), 3263. ISSN: 1424-8220.
26. [doi] L. Rodrigues, E. Leão, C. Montez, R. Moraes, P. Portugal, F. Vasques. An Advanced Battery Model for WSN Simulation in Environments with Temperature Variations. IEEE Sensors, 2018. ISSN: 1530-437X.
25. [doi] O.T. Valle, G. Budke, C. Montez, R. Moraes, F. Vasques. Experimental Assessment of LNC-based Cooperative Communication Schemes using Commercial Off-The-Shelf Wireless Sensor Network Nodes. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2018. ISSN: 1074-5351.
24. [doi] L. Rodrigues, C. Montez, G. Budke, F. Vasques, P. Portugal. Estimating the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network Nodes through the Use of Embedded Analytical Battery Models. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2017, 6(2), 8.
23. [doi] R. Oliveira, C. Montez, A. Boukerche, M. Wangham. Reliable Data Dissemination Protocol for VANET Traffic Safety Applications. Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 63, August 2017, Pages 30–44. ISSN: 1570-8705.
22. [doi] E. Leão, C. Montez, R. Moraes, P. Portugal, F. Vasques, Alternative Path Communication in Wide-Scale Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks using Inactive Periods. Sensors, 2017, 17(5), 1049. ISSN: 1424-8220.
21. [doi] E. Leão, R. Moraes, C. Montez, P. Portugal, F. Vasques, CT-SIM: A Simulation Model for Wide-Scale Cluster-Tree Networks based on the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee Standards. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017, Vol 13, Issue 3. ISSN: 1550-1477.
20. [doi] L. Rodrigues, C. Montez, R. Moraes, P. Portugal, F. Vasques, A Temperature Dependent Battery Model for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors (Basel), Sensors, 2017, 17(2), 422. ISSN: 1424-8220.
19. [doi] E. Leão, C. Montez, R. Moraes, P. Portugal, F. Vasques, Superframe Duration Allocation Schemes to Improve the Throughput of Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, v. 17, p. 249, 2017. ISSN: 1424-8220.
18. [doi] L. Rodrigues, C. Montez, F. Vasques, P. Portugal. Recovery Effect in Low-Power Nodes of Wireless Sensor Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2017, vol. 702.
17. [doi] P. Bordignon, A. Andrade, R. Callegaro, C. Montez, R. Moraes, A. Pinto. An Architecture for Information Fusion and for Detection, Identification and Treatment of Outliers in Wireless Sensor Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2017, vol. 702.
16. [doi] O. T. Valle, C. Montez, G. Araujo, F. Vasques, R. Moraes, NetCoDer: A Retransmission Mechanism for WSNs based on Cooperative Relayers and Network Coding. Sensors, 16(6), 799, 2016. ISSN: 1424-8220.
15. [doi] L. F. Schrickte, R. de Oliveira, A. Pinto, C. Montez, Design and Implementation of a 6LoWPAN Gateway for Wireless Sensor Networks Integration with the Internet of Things. International Journal of Embedded Systems, v. 8, p. 380-390, 2016.
14. [doi] A. R. Pinto, C. Montez, G. Araujo, F. Vasques, P. Portugal, An Approach to Implement Data Fusion Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks using Genetic Machine Learning Algorithms. Information Fusion, Vol. 15, Jan., 2014. pp. 90-101. ISSN: 1566-2535.
13. [doi] O. T. Valle, C. Montez, G.M. Araujo, P. Portugal and F. Vasques, Enhancing Wireless Sensor Network Simulators with a Realistic Battery Discharge Function. Information Tokyo, Vol.16, No.12(B), December, 2013, pp.8767-8780. ISSN 1343-4500. (Impacto 0.358 no JCR 2012)
12. [doi] T. Semprebom, C. Montez, F. Vasques, (m,k)-firm Pattern Spinning to Improve the GTS Allocation of Periodic Messages in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, v. 222, Set. 2013. ISSN 1687-1499.
11. [doi] F. Lavratti, A. Ceratti, D. Prestes, A. Pinto, L. Bolzani, F. Vargas, C. Montez, F. Hernandez, E. Gatti, C. Silva, A Transmission Power Self-Optimization Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks. ISRN Communications and Networking, 2012. ISSN 2356-7872.
10. [doi] P. Plentz, C. Montez, R. Oliveira, AS – Prediction Mechanism for Distributed Threads Systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v. 71, p. 1367-1376, 2011. ISSN 0743-7315.
9. [doi] L. Rech, C. Montez, R. Oliveira, An Adaptive Approach for the Determination of the Itinerary of Imprecise Mobile Agents with Timing Constraints. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, v. 9, p. 257-268, 2011. ISSN 1570-1263.
8. [doi] P. Plentz, C. Montez, R. Oliveira, Deadline Missing Prediction Through the Use of Milestones. Computing and Informatics, v. 30, No. 4, p. 657-679, 2011. ISSN 1335-9150.
7. [doi] T. Semprebom, R. Oliveira, C. Montez, Implementing Assuring Forward Per Hop Behaviour Class in Web Servers with Dynamic Scheduling and Selective Discards. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), v. 3, No 3, pp. 249-265, 2009. ISSN 1754-3916.
6. [doi] L. Rech, C. Montez, R. Oliveira, Itinerary Determination of Imprecise Mobile Agents With Firm Deadline. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, v. 6, p. 421-439, 2008. ISSN 1570-1263.
5. [doi] P. Plentz, C. Montez, R. Oliveira, Deadline Missing Predictor Based on Aperiodic Server Queue Length for Distributed Systems. Computer Communications, v. 31, p. 4167-4175, 2008. ISSN: 0140-3664.
4. [doi] Montez, C.; Andreata, J. Ensino a distância no ambiente da televisão digital interativa. Comunicação & Sociedade, v. 48, p. 83-93, 2007.
3. Piccioni, C.; Montez, C. MPEG-2 e o Datacasting Suportado na TV Digital – Parte I. Revista da SET – Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia de Televisão e Telecomunicações, v. 86, p. 10 – 14, 01 jun. 2006. ISSN 1980-2331.
2. Montez, C. ; Piccioni, C. MPEG-2 e o Datacasting Suportado na TV Digital – Parte II Revista da SET – Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia de Televisão e Telecomunicações, v. 87, p. 16 – 19, 01 ago. 2006..
1. Ribeiro, L.; Caetano, M.; Montez, C.; Schulter, A.; Becker, V.; Melo, E.; Frohlich, A. Infra-Estrutura para Recepção de TV Interativa Baseada em Set-Top-Box para o Projeto I2TV. Newsgeneration, Natal/RN, v. 7, p. 1-4, 2003.
Montez, C.; Becker, Valdecir. TV Digital Interativa: Conceitos, desafios e perspectivas para o Brasil. 2. ed. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC, 2005. 200 páginas.
Capítulos de livros
13. [doi] S. , R. Moraes; C. Montez; Cooperative Communication Mechanisms Applied to Wireless Sensor Network. In: Camarinha-Matos L., Farhadi N., Lopes F., Pereira H. (eds) Technological Innovation for Life Improvement. DoCEIS 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 577. Springer, Cham.
12. [doi] S. , R. Moraes; C. Montez; F. Vasques. Multi-criteria Analysis to Select Relay Nodes in the ORST Techniques. In: Palattella M., Scanzio S., Coleri Ergen S. (eds) Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks. ADHOC-NOW 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11803. Springer, Cham.
10. [doi] Pinto, A.; Bolzani, L.; Montez, C.; Vargas, F. Power Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Mohammad Matin. (Org.). Wireless Sensor Networks – Technology and Applications. Wireless Sensor Networks – Technology and Applications. : , 2012, v. 1, p. 1-22.
9. [doi] Cabreira, U. ; Vasques, F.; Hübner, J.; Montez, C., Using BDI-Agents with Coordination without Communication to Increase Lifetime, Preserving Autonomy and Flexibility in Wireless Sensor Networks . In: Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2010.Volume 6070/2010, 243-252.
8. [doi] Tatibana, C.; Montez, C. ; Oliveira, R. Soft Real-Time Task Response Time Prediction in Dynamic Embedded Systems In. Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007. v. 4761. p. 273-282. ISSN 0302-9743.
7. Becker, Valdecir.; Montez, C. Análise de Riscos para a Implantação do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre. In Roberto Amaral. (Org.). Sociedade do Conhecimento: novas tecnologias, risco e liderança. 1 ed. Lages: Editora Uniplac, 2006, v. 1, p. 33-52.
6. [doi] Cabreira, U.; Montez, C. ; Dantas, M.; Mazzola, V. FRAd-hoc: A Framework to Routing Ad-Hoc Networks. In: Khaldoun Al Agha. (Org.). Ad-Hoc Networking. 1 ed. New York: Springer, 2006, Volume 212/2006, 71-82.
5. Cabreira, Underlea ; Pinto, Alex ; Codas, Andres ; Ferreira, Denise J ; Montez, C. . Redes Locais Sem Fio: Conceito e Aplicações. In: Universidade de Passo Fundo;. (Org.). 4a Escola Regional de Redes de Computadores. : , 2006, v. 1, p. 1-41.
4. Becker, Valdecir.; Piccioni, C.; Montez, C. ; Gunter Filho. Datacasting e Desenvolvimento de Serviços e Aplicações para TV Digital Interativa. In PUC Minas. (Org.). Web e Multimídia: Desafios e Soluções. Poços de Caldas: FuMARC, 2005, v. I, p. 1-30.
3. Montez, C.; Becker, Valdecir. TV Digital Interativa: Conceitos e Tecnologias. In SBC. (Org.). WebMidia e LA-Web 2004 – Joint Conference, 2004, v. 1 p. 39-77.
2. Oliveira, R.; Fraga, J.; Montez, C. Programação em Sistemas Distribuídos. In: X Escola de Informática da SBC-Sul (ERI’02). Porto Alegre: Ed. Porto Alegre, 2002, v. 1 , p. 39-84.
1. Fraga, J.; Lung, L.; Merkle, C.; Montez, C. Suporte para Aplicações Críticas nas Especificações CORBA: Tolerância a Faltas, Segurança, Tempo Real. In: SBRC; LARC. (Org.). Minicursos – SBRC’2001. Salvador/BA: , 2001, v. , p. 45-88.
Simpósios e Workshops Internacionais
61. [doi] Juan D. A. Correa, Alex Pinto, Carlos Montez. Training Swinging Door Trending Compression
Algorithm for IoT devices. In IEEE 10th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT’2024), Nov. 2024.
60. [doi] Miguel Neto, Carlos Montez, Érico Leão, Ricardo Lira. Impact Analysis of Data Clustering Techniques for Data-Based Topological Formation in WSNs. In 20th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2022), Jul. 2022.
59. [doi] Vitor Vasconcelos, Érico Leão, Natanael Ribeiro, Francisco Vasques, Carlos Montez. A Scheduled Cluster-Tree Topology to Enable Wide-Scale LoRaWAN Networks. In 20th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2022), Jul. 2022.
58. [doi] Miguel Neto, Carlos Montez, Érico Leão, Aujor Andrade. Data-driven Bottom-up Cluster-tree Formation based on the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Protocol. In 47th Anual Conference of the IEEE International Electronics Society (IECON’2021), pp. -, Oct. 2021.
57. [doi] Suelen Laurindo, Ricardo Moraes, Carlos Montez, Francisco Vasques. Assessment of Different Algorithms to Solve the Set-Covering Problem in a Relay Selection Technique. In 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA‘2020), pp. -, Set. 2020.
56. [doi] Eduardo Silva Pino, Carlos Montez, Odilson Valle, Ricardo Moraes, Érico Leão. An Indoor Positioning System Using Scene Analysis in IEEE 802.15.4. In 45th Anual Conference of the IEEE International Electronics Society (IECON’2019), pp. -, Out. 2019.
55. [doi] Daniel Siedersberger, Carlos Montez, Érico Leão, Francisco Vasques. Hierarchical Topology Formation in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. In 45th Anual Conference of the IEEE International Electronics Society (IECON’2019), pp. -, Out. 2019.
54. [doi] Miguel Lino, Vitor Vasconcelos, Álvaro Ian, Érico Leão, André Soares, Carlos Montez. An Efficient Mechanism to Improve Convergecast Traffic in Cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Networks based on IEEE 802.15.4. In 45th Anual Conference of the IEEE International Electronics Society (IECON’2019), pp. -, Out. 2019.
53. [doi] A. Andrade, D. Siedersberger, C. Montez, R. Moraes, E. Leão, F. Vasques. Data-Based Cluster-Tree Formation Scheme for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2018), pp. 175-180, Jul. 2018.
52. [doi] E. Leão, V. Vasconcelos, P. Portugal, C. Montez, R. Moraes. A Hybrid Beacon Scheduling Scheme to Allow the Periodic Reconfiguration of Large-scale Cluster-tree WSNs. In IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2018), pp. 169-174, Jul. 2018.
51. [doi] R. Casagrande, R. Moraes, C. Montez, A. S. Morales, L. Rech. Interference of IEEE 802.11n Networks upon IEEE 802.15.4-Based WBANs: An Experimental Study. In IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2018), Jul. 2018.
50. [doi] S. Laurindo, R. Nassiffe, R. Moraes, C. Montez, G. Araujo, O. Valle. Smart: Adequate Selection of Relay Nodes to Support Cooperative Communication in WSNs, In 13th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS’2017), May 31-June 2, 2017.
49. [doi] Andrade, A.T.C.; Montez, C.; Moraes, R..; Vasques, F., G. L. Silva; Outlier detection using k-means clustering and lightweight methods for Wireless Sensor Networks, In Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016 – 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, Oct. 2016.
48. [doi] Leao, E.; Vasques, F.; Portugal, P; Moraes, R.; Montez, C.; An allocation scheme for IEEE 802.15. 4-ZigBee cluster-tree networks, In Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016 – 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, Oct. 2016.
47. [doi] León, H.; Montez, Stemmer, M.; Vasques, F.; Simulation Models for IEC 61850 Communication in Electrical Substations Using GOOSE and SMV Time-critical Messages, In 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Comunication Systems (WFCS’2016), May 2016.
46. [doi] Valle, O.; Budke G.; Montez, C.; Pinto, A., Vasques, Hernandez, F.; Vasques, F.; Vargas, F.; Gatti, E.; Experimental Assessment of Using Network Coding and Cooperative Diversity Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks, In 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS’2016), May 2016.
45. [doi] Rodrigues, L.; Montez, C.; Vasques, F.; Portugal, P.; Experimental Validation of a Battery Model for Low-Power Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks, In 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS’2016), May 2016.
44. [doi] Semprebom, T.; Montez, C; Araújo, G; Portugal, P.; Skip Game: An Autonomic Approach for QoS and Energy Management in IEEE 802.15.4 WSNs, In 11th IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications (ISCC’2015), Jun 2015.
43. [doi] Valle, O; Montez, C; Araujo, G; Moraes, R. and Vasques, F.; A WSN Data Retransmission Mechanism Based on Network Coding and Cooperative Relayers, In 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS’2015), May 2015.
42. [doi] Semprebom, T; Montez, C; Araújo, G; Portugal, P.; A Sleep-Scheduling Scheme for Enhancing QoS and Network Coverage in IEEE 802.15.4 WSN, In 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Comunication Systems (WFCS’2015), May 2015.
41. [doi] Leão, E.; Vasques, F.; Portugal, P.; MONTEZ, C.; An Opportunistic Approach to Deal with Real-Time Mesh Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks, In: IEEE 12th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Porto Alegre. July 2014.
40. [doi] Semprebom, T.; Moraes, R.; MONTEZ, C.; Portugal, P.; Vasques, F.; Quality of Service Provision Assessment for DDBP Approach in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, In: IEEE 12th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Porto Alegre. July 2014.
39. [doi] Felske, M.; MONTEZ, C.; Pinto, A.R.; Vasques, F.; Portugal, P.; GLHOVE: A Framework for Uniform Coverage Monitoring using Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks, In IEEE 18th Conference onEmerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2013), Cagliari. Sept. 2013. Best Paper Award!
38. [doi] Semprebom, T.; Pinto, A.R.; MONTEZ, C.; Vasques, F., Energy consumption and spatial diversity trade-off in autonomic Wireless Sensor Networks: The (m,k)-Gur Game approach, 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), pp.135,140, 29-31 July 2013.
37. [doi] Pinto, A. ; Cansian, A ; Machado, J.M. ; MONTEZ, C. . Self-Optimization of Dense Wireless Sensor Networks based on Simulated Annealing. In: LATW 2012, 2012, Quito. 13th Latin American Test Workshop, 2012. p. 1-8.
36. [doi] Valle, O. T.; Milack, A. V. ; MONTEZ, C. ; Portugal, P. J. ; Vasques, F. Experimental Evaluation of Multiple Retransmission Schemes in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 9th International Workshop on Factory Communication System, 2012, Detmold. WFCS’2012, 2012. p. 201-2010.
35. [doi] Valle, O. T.; MONTEZ, C. ; Portugal, P. J. ; Vasques F. ; Costa, D.G.. Expansion of the available Use Classes in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks for usage in the industrial environment. In: iswcs 2012, 2012, Paris. The Ninth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2012. v. 1. p. 1-5.
34. [doi] Semprebom, T. ; MONTEZ, C. ; Zomer, G. ; Vasques, F. Guaranteed Time Slot allocation for periodic messages with (m, k)-firm constraints in IEEE 802.15.4 networks. In: Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2012 IEEE 17th Conference on, 2012, Cracovia. ETFA 2012, 2012. p. 1-8. Best Paper Award!
33. [doi] Budke, G. ; MONTEZ, C. ; Moraes, R. ; Portugal, P. A Dynamic Communication Approach for Data Fusion in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. In: ETFA 2012, 2012, Cracovia. ETFA 2012, 2012. p. 1-8.
32. [doi] Lopes, R.; Silva F. A.; Montez, C. MASPOT: A Mobile Agent System for Sun SPOT. In: International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System, 2011, Tokyo. ISADS 2011, 2011.
31. [doi] Lavratti F.; Pinto, A.; Prestes D.; Bolzani L.; Vargas, F.; Montez, C. Towards a Transmission Power Self-Optimization in Reliable Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 11th Latin-American Test Workshop – LATW2010, 2010, Punta Del Este. 11th Latin-American TestWorkshop, 2010. p. 1-3.
30. [doi] Pinto, A.; Montez, C. Autonomic approaches for enhancing communication QoS in dense Wireless Sensor Networks with real time requirements. In 2010 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), Austin, TX, USA, 2010 v. 1. p. 1-10.
29. [doi] Pinto, A.; Ferreira, B.; Montez, C.; Vasques, F.; Portugal, P. VOA: Variable Offset Algorithm for the Optimization of Communication Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: VIII IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 2010, Nancy. WFCS 2010, 2010. v. 1. p. 79-82.
28. [doi] Lavratti, F; Pinto, A.; Bolzani, L.; Vargas, F.; Montez, C.; Hernandez,F. ; Gatti, E.; Silva, C. Evaluating a Transmission Power Self-Optimization Technique for WSN in EMI Environments. In: Euromicro DSD, 2010, Lille, France. The 13th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 2010, v. 1. p. 509 – 515.
27. [doi] de Oliveira, R.S.; Montez, C.; Lange, R., On the use of hash tables in real-time applications, In: IEEE ETFA 2009, Mallorca. 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2009. v. 1. p. 1-8
26. [doi] Semprebom, T.; Montez, C.; Moraes, R.; Vasques, F.; Custodio, R., Distributed DBP: A (m,k)-firm based distributed approach for QoS provision in IEEE 802.15.4 networks, In: IEEE ETFA 2009, Mallorca. 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2009. v. 1. p. 1-8
25. [doi] Semprebom, T.; Montez, C. ; Moraes, R. ; Vasques, F. ; Portugal, P. Dynamic GTS Scheduling of Periodic Skippable Slots in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. In 9Th IFAC International Conference in Fieldbuses and Networks in Industrial Embedded Systems (FET’09), Koreia, 2009. p. 110-117.
24. [doi] Pinto, A.; Camada, M.; Dantas, M.; Montez, C. ; Portugal. P.; Vasques, F. Genetic Machine Learning Algorithms in the Optimization of Communication Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2009, Porto, Portugal. IECON 2009 Proceedings, 2009. v. 1. p. 2468-2473.
23. [doi] Pinto, A.; Bitencort, B.; Dantas, M.; Montez, C.; Vasques, F.. Genetic machine learning approach for data fusion applications in dense Wireless Sensor Networks. In: IEEE ETFA 2008, Hamburg. 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2008. v. 1. p. 1177-1180.
22. [doi] Plentz, P.; Montez, C.; Oliveira, R. A Mechanism for Deadline Missing Prediction in Systems based on Distributed Threads. In: IEEE ETFA 2008, 2008, Hamburg. 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2008. v. 1. p. 424-427.
21. [doi] Rech, L.; Montez, C.; Oliveira, R.; Reis, F.; Geyer, C. Determination of the itinerary of imprecise mobile agents using an adaptive approach. In: IEEE ETFA 2008, 2008, Hamburg. 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2008. v. 1. p. 1244-1251.
20. [doi] Costa, C.; Montez, C.; Moreno, U. Analysis of Evaluation Metrics for Networked Control Systems. In: IEEE ETFA 2008, 2008, Hamburg. 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2008. p. 1096-1099.
19. Santos, T. ; Moreno, U.; Montez, C. Determination of a Sampling Period Upper Limit that Guarantees Closed Loop Stability in Controller Area Network. In 3rd Workshop on Networked Control System: Tolerant to Faults, Nancy. France, 2007. v.1.
18. [doi] Tatibana, C.; Montez, C. ; Oliveira, R. Real-time Dynamic Guarantee in Component-based Middleware. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’07), Santorini Island. Italy, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. v. 1. p. 214-221.
17. [doi] Ferreira, D.; Dantas, M.; Pinto, A.; Montez, C. ; Martius R. A Middleware for OSCAR and Wireless Sensor Network Environments. In 21st International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (HPCS’07), Saskatoon. Canada, 2007. v. 1. p. 24-30.
16. [doi] Plentz, P.; Montez, C. ; Oliveira, R. Prediction of End-to-End Deadline Missing in Distributed Threads Systems. In The 12th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’07), Patras. Greece, 2007. v. 1. p. 25-32.
15. [doi] Pinto, A., Bitencort, B., Cabreira, U., Dantas, M. A. R., Montez, C. Probabilistic Real-time Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks with ZigBee In: 7Th IFAC International Conference in Fieldbuses and Networks in Industrial Embedded Systems, 2007, Toulouse. v.7. p.267 – 271.
14. [doi] Santos, T.; Moreno, U.; Montez, C.; Perez, D. Using The Pole Placement Approach in A Codesign Procedure for Networked Controlled Systems. In 3rd IFAC SYMPOSIUM on SYSTEM, STRUCTURE and CONTROL, Foz do Iguaçu. Brazil, 2007.
13. [doi] Rech, L.; Montez, C.; Oliveira, R. A New Model for the Itinerary Definition of Real-Time Imprecise Mobile Agents. In The IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI’06), Waikoloa. Hawaii, 2006. p.123-126
12. [doi] Rech, L.; Montez, C.; Oliveira, R. A Clone-Pair Approach for the Determination of the Itinerary of Imprecise Mobile Agents with Firm Deadlines. In 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’06), Praga, 2006. v. 1. p. 9-15.
11. [doi] Perez, D.; Moreno, U.; Montez, C. Codesign of CAN Networked Control Systems with Remote Controllers using Jitter Margin. In The 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’06), Paris, 2006. v. 1. p. 252-257.
10. [doi] Tatibana, C.; Oliveira, R.; Montez, C. Dynamic Guarantee in Component-Based Distributed Real-Time Systems. In The 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’05), Catania, 2005. v. 1. p. 7-14.
9. [doi] Santos, G.; Lung, L.; Montez, C. FTWeb: A Fault Tolerant Infrastructure for Web Services. In The 9th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC’05), Enschede. Netherlands, 2005. v. 1. p. 95-105.
8. [doi] Plentz, P.; Oliveira, R.; Montez, C. Scheduling of the Distributed Thread Abstraction with Timing Constraints using RTSJ. In The 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’05), Catania, 2005. p. 23-30.
7. [doi] Gonçalves, R.; Oliveira, R.; Montez, C. Design Pattern for the Adaptive Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks with Multiple Versions in RTSJ. In The XXV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC’05), Valdivia. 5. v. 1. p. 1-8.
6. [doi] Rech, L.; Oliveira, R.; Montez, C. Dynamic Determination of the Itinerary of Mobile Agents with Timing Constraints. In The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’05), Compiegne, 2005. v. 1. p. 7-14.
5. [doi] Fraga, J.; Rabelo, R.; Siqueira, F.; Montez, C.; Oliveira, R. Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises in Large-Scale Open Systems. In The Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems(WORDS’03), Guadalajara. Los Alamitos, Califórnia: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003. v. 1. p. 242-249.
4. [doi] Montez, C. ; Fraga, J. Implementing Qualiy of Service in Web Servers. In The 21th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’02), Osaka, 2002. v.1 1. p. 32-40.
3. [doi] Montez, C. ; Fraga, J. Dealing with Overloading in Tasks Scheduling. In 22nd International Conference of the Chilean (SCCC’02), Copiacó, 2002. p. 24-29
2. [doi] Montez, C.; Fraga, J.; Oliveira, R.; Farines, J-M. An Adaptive Scheduling Approach in Real-Time CORBA. In The 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (IEEE ISORC),Saint Malo – França, 1999.
1. [doi] Montez, C. ; Oliveira, R.; Fraga, J. An Adaptive Model for Programming Distributed Real-Time Applications in CORBA. In 18nd International Conference of the Chilean (SCCC’98), Antofagasta. Los Alamitos, CA : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. p. 122-129.
Simpósios e workshops em Português
28. [doi] C. Montez, R. Lange, P. Portugal, Teoria de Jogos para Ajustes Dinâmicos de Parâmetros em Redes LoRaWAN, In: Anais do XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (CBA’24), 15-18 Outubro, 2024.
27. [doi] V. Hoffmann, G. Ribeiro, C. Montez, R. Lange, Um Algoritmo Fuzzy Baseado no ADR para Ajuste Eficiente de Parâmetros de Redes LoRaWAN, In: Anais do XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (CBA’24), 15-18 Outubro, 2024.
26. [doi] C. P. Fernandes, C. Montez, D. D. Adriano, M. S. Wangham, Um Sistema de Reputação Baseado em Blockchain Contra Ataques de Mensagens Falsas em VANETs, In: Anais do XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg’21), 4-7 Outubro, 2021.
25. [doi] G. Jesus, R. Souza, C. Montez, JR. Arliones, Improving LoRaWAN Performance Through Adaptive Data Rate Parameter Selection, In: Anais do XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT’2020), 2020.
24. [doi] R. Oliveira, C. Montez, M. Wangham, Projeto Integrado de Controle de Pelotões baseado em Consenso e um Protocolo de Disseminação de Dados Confiável, In: Anais do XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC’2020), 2020. p. 463-476.
23. [doi] M. F. Neto, V. Vasconcelos, E. Leão, A. Soares, C. Montez, R. Moraes, F. Vasques, Mecanismo Eficiente para Disseminação do Tráfego de Controle em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio Cluster-Tree baseadas no IEEE 802.15.4, In: IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC’2019), Natal, 2019. p. 1-7.
22. [doi] J. D. A. Correa, A. S. R. Pinto, C. Montez, E. Leão, Swinging Door Trending Compression Algorithm for IoT Environments, In: IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC’2019), Natal, 2019. p. 1-7.
21. [doi] R. CASAGRANDE, R. Moraes, C. Montez, A. Cechinel, J. Negri. Análise Experimental de Redes IEEE 802.15.4 como Backbone para WBAN. In: VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering, 2017, Curitiba. SBESC’2017, 2017. p. 1-7.
20. R. CASAGRANDE, R. Moraes, C. MONTEZ, Análise Experimental da Interferência de Comunicação de redes IEEE 802.11n sobre redes IEEE 802.15.4. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2016, Santarém. SBRT’16, 2016. p. 1-6.
19. R. Callegaro, C. MONTEZ, A. PINTO, R. Moraes . Uma Arquitetura para Fusão de Dados e Detecção de Outliers em Sensores de Baixo Custo de Redes de Sensores sem Fio. In: WoCCES, 2014, Florianópolis. II Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-14.
18. [doi] O. Valle, A. Milack, C. Montez, P. Portugal, F. Vasques. Uma Nova Classe de Mensagens para Redes IEEE 802.15.4. In: SBRT, 2012, Brasília. XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2012.
17. [doi] T. Semprebom, C. MONTEZ, R. Moraes, F. Vasques. Um Modelo de Alocação de GTS em Redes IEEE 802.15.4 com Provisão de QoS para Mensagens Periódicas com Restrições Temporais. In: XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2011, Curitiba. SBRT’2011, 2011. v. 1. p. 1-6.
16. D. Mayer, R.J. Rabelo, C. Montez. Uma Metodologia para Implantação de Automação Residencial em Habitações Sustentáveis de Alto Desempenho. In: X Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, 2011, São João del Rey. X SBAI, 2011. p. 302-307.
15. Semprebom, T.; Maryama, V.; Zomer, G.; Montez, C.; Vasques, F. ;Portugal, P. Escalonamento Dinâmico de GTSs em Redes IEEE 802.15.4. In: SBRC’2010, 2010, Gramado. SBRC’2010, 2010. p. 277-290.
14. Cabreira, U.; Ferreira, D.; Semprebom, T.; Montez, C. A Coordination Protocol for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: XXXV LATIN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, 2009, PELOTAS, RS. CLEI 2009, 2009. p. 1-10.
13. Pinto, A.; Bitencort B.; Dantas, M.; Montez, C. Fusão de Dados Tempo Real em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio Multimídia. In XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web (WEBMEDIA’07), Gramado/RS, 2007. p. 95-102.
12. Semprebom, T.; Oliveira, R.; Montez, C. Classes de Serviço em Servidores Web Apache Através de Escalonamento Adaptativo e Controle de Admissão. In XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web (WEBMEDIA’06), Natal/RN, 2006. v. 1. p. 273-282.
11. Santos, G.; Lung, L.; Montez, C. ; Fraga, J. Uma Infra-estrutura para Replicação Semi-Ativa em Arquiteturas Orientadas a Serviços. In 32a Conferência LatinoAmericana de Informática (CLEI’2006), 2006, Santiago. Chile, 2006. v. 1. p. 1-12.
10. Becker, Valdecir.; Gunter Filho; Montez, C. Inclusão Digital via Serviços de Saúde para o Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital. In 32a Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI’06), 2006, Santiago. Chile, 2006. v. 1. p. 13-24.
9. Andreata, J.; Montez, C. Uma aplicação para T-Ensino : TV-Chat. In XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web (WEBMEDIA’05), Poços de Caldas/MG, 2005. v. 1. p. 226-228.
8. Becker, Valdecir; Vargas, R.; Gunter Filho, ; Montez, C. Júri Virtual I2TV: Uma Aplicação para TV Digital Interativa Baseada em JavaTV e HyperProp. In WEBMEDIA 2004, 2004, Ribeirão Preto. Proceedings WebMedia & LA-Web 2004, 2004. v. 2. p. 12-19.
7. Montez, C. Implementando Diferenciação de Serviços em Servidores Web Através de Escalonamento Adaptativo. In Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC’02), Búzios, 2002. v. 1. p. 1-16.
6. Montez, C., Fraga, J., Oliveira, R., Escalonamento Adaptativo (p+i,k)-firm. In: Workshop de Tempo Real, 2001, Florianópolis. Workshop de Sistemas deTempo Real, 2001.
5. Montez, C. Pistori, J., Willrich, R., Experiências na Implementação da Biblioteca Digital Multimídia RMAV/Florianópolis. In: Workshop RNP2, 2000, Belo Horizonte. II Workshop RNP2, 2000. p. 251-262.
4. Montez, C. Fraga, J. Oliveira, R. Lidando com Sobrecarga no Escalonamento de Tarefas com Restrições Temporais : A abordagem (p+i,k)-firm. In: SCTF, 1999, Campinas. VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Tolerante a Falhas (SCTF’99), 1999.
3. Montez, C. ; Fraga, J. ; Oliveira, R. ; Farines, J.-M. Escalonamento Adaptativo Usando Real-Time CORBA. In: 17o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC’99), Salvador, 1999.
2. Fraga, J.; Farines, J-M.; Montez, C. Um Serviço de Tempo Global para Sistemas Distribuídos de Larga Escala. In 16o Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC’98), Rio de Janeiro, 1998.
1. Montez, C. Fraga, J. Oliveira, R. Extensões dos Padrões CORBA para Aplicações de Tempo Real. In: 1o Workshop de Tempo Real, 1998, Rio de Janeiro. WTR’98, 1998.